Kinderbuchprojekt Kinder schreiben für Kinder (Workshop *1)

Kids writing for Kids
From Bayreuth (Germany) to Tingel (Chad) with love - and back

Let's be curious together! Let's find out: How do kids live in Chad, how do they live in Germany? What do kids play in the village of Tingel, situated about 3 hours from Ndjamena? Which stories do they tell each other? Can we play together even though we're many miles apart?
In a workshop with young and old kids, all ages welcome, Ibrahim Mahamat zene, founder of the non-profit organisation Takatuf e.V., introduces the primary school in Tingel/Chad that has recently been opened by help of Takatuf. Kids gathering in Bayreuth will learn about the children's lives in Chad. Together, we will we model animals in clay, draw and invent a new story to share with the children in Tingel. On the basis of our story, Ibrahim Mahamat zene, Katharina Fink and Anne Kohl will create a children's book which will be produced in Arabic, French and German, published by iwalewabooks, and sent to Tingel. Every school kid in Tingel will get their own copy of the book. This is meant as the beginning of  an intercultural exchange by stories and books: At next years literature festival, we hope to present the follow-up to the story, written by the children of Tingel.

Am Samstag fand der erste Workshop für das Kinderbuchprojekt „Kinder schreiben für Kinder“ im Rahmen des 9. BIGSAS Festival Afrikanischer und Afrikanisch-Diasporischer Literaturen „Crises and Esponsibilities. kNOWlwedges in Academia, Arts and Activism” statt. Gemeinsam mit den Kindern, die das Festival besuchten, entwickelten wir erste Ideen für das Kinderbuch: das Zwillingspaar Maryam und Atnan erlebt Abenteuer mit dem Okra-Dieb und einer magischen, tanzenden Süßkartoffel. Weiter geht’s… am 14. Juli im Iwalewahaus!


TAKATUF e.V. ist ein internationaler gemeinnütziger Verein, der vor allem TschaderInnen und Deutschen einen Raum schafft, in dem sie sich über den Tschad und über Deutschland austauschen können.

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